Bethany Humphreys' Educational Technology Transcript
TE 803: Professional Roles and Teaching Practices
Instructor: Dr. Janet Alleman
After obtaining my undergrad degree in elementary education from Michigan State University, I began my one year teaching internship. During this internship I went through the course, TE 803. This course focused on school-agency alliances for fostering student learning. I learned strategies for working with families and community groups to improve responsiveness of the school curriculum to student needs. Lastly, the course helped me grow in my understanding and implementation of child advocacy in the school and community.
TE804: Professional Roles and Teaching Practices II
Instructor: T. Bennett
After obtaining my undergrad degree in elementary education from Michigan State University, I began my one year teaching internship. During this internship I went through the course, TE804. This course focused on my growth in the abilities of: collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data on teaching, learning, and educational policy. I also learned about the dilemmas surrounding research on practice. Lastly I learned about appraising and reporting results of inquiry.
CEP 820: Teaching Students Online
Instructors: Anne Heintz and Carmen Richardson
Teaching Students Online began with focusing on a variety of LMS’s, which are Learning Management Systems. I spent time exploring their capabilities and eventually chose a platform and created my very own online learning course. I created this course using Weebly. In this course I explored the world of online and blended learning and designed a hybrid kindergarten reading course for students and parents to go through along with what was happening in the classroom. This experience allowed me to explore the creation of a website and how to best communicate learning through this platform in a meaningful way, which I currently still use in my classroom today.
CEP 812: Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice
Instructors: Rachel Galang and Alison Keller
Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice pushed my thinking further than any other course in the program. The main focus of the course was to examine a wicked problem in education. I worked with a group, “think tank” within the course and came together to use technological tools, research, and deep reflective thinking and collaboration to create an answer to this wicked problem. My group focused on the issue of personalized learning. Our solution was for school districts to choose and focus on one model for personalized learning such as flipped learning, to stay consistent throughout the district
CEP 810: Teaching Understanding with Technology
Instructor: Ron Houtman
This first course of my MAET program, CEP 810, set the tone in a powerful and positive way for what was to come. I learned many core concepts such as TPACK, the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge framework and PLN’s, Professional Learning Networks. I explored many creative and innovative ways to use technology. The main project I worked on was my Network Learning Project. I used online forums for the first time and YouTube videos to learn a brand new skill. From this experience I learned how to create authentic Mediterranean hummus. Through this process I learned about the power and knowledge that exists on the internet and how connected you can be if you take the time to explore and learn.
CEP 811: Adapting Innovative Technology to Education
Instructor: Janine Campbell
By far, CEP 811 was my favorite course within my MAET program. Exploring the Maker Education movement was inspirational every step of the way and brought new, exciting learning and ideas with every assignment. This course shifted my thinking with the ideas of what learning can be in the classroom related to Google Sketchup in which I redesigned my classroom. I also designed infographics for the first time to visually show the power in Maker Education. Makey Makey was another Maker Education tool I explored to truly shift my thinking and perspective on what education and learning can be within the classroom. This course took me completely outside of the box and put a new perspective on what learning can be, which is anything and everything.
CEP 800: Learning in School and Other Setting
Instructors: Dr. Cary Roseth and Cui Cheng
In Learning in School and Other Settings, I researched different perspectives and techniques for learning. In this course I spend much time reading and examining case studies, something I had little experience with previously. I was given the tools and knowledge to learn about how learners take in knowledge and understand the complex differences within how we process information. Through this process I developed a personalized theory of learning and a content unit planned for reading instruction based on all of the new learning on how to support a variety of learning styles. The most powerful piece of information to take with me from this course is remembering how learners synthesize information in and out of the classroom.
CEP 822: Approaches to Education Research
Instructors: Dr. David Wong, Cui Cheng, May Lei, June Westdal
In Approaches to Educational Research I learned how to analyze, interpret, and weed out “bad” data in published studies within education. I used Excel to interpret data from case studies and take that data to find specific elements within it such as the mean and standard deviation. After taking this new learning of how to dive deep into analyzing data reports and published studies, I chose a research question. My question was: what amount of homework given to students results in the highest level of student understanding and test achievement? To answer this question I reviewed scholarly articles which supported many different sides. I looked at the data collections, the population of students, the number of students surveyed, the manner in which they were surveyed and more, to create a review based on my findings in the form of a research review paper.
CEP 815: Technology and Leadership
Intructor: Kyle Shack
CEP 815 is centered on becoming a technology leader and giving you the tools to be successful in managing this goal through learning about the different types and styles of leaders. I learned about the history and evolution of technology and the aims of education. In the end I was able to create a shared understanding of the ways technology, learning, and leadership go hand in hand. To wrap up my thinking and leadership learning throughout the course, I created a vision statement.
CEP 807: Capstone in Educational Technology
Instructors: Dr. Matt Koehler, Sarah Keenan-Lechel, Spencer Greenhalgh, and Brittany Dillman
In this final program course of Capstone in Educational Technology, I developed a complete electronic portfolio with the use of Wixsite. Through this course I was able to highlight and showcase all of the projects, learning, and new thinking I have developed throughout my time in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program through Michigan State University. This portfolio was created in a way for any viewer to see my future goals in education and how my learning within the program can take me to new places in my future career endeavors. Through this portfolio creation process, I collaborated with fellow classmates and course instructors every week to change and develop my portfolio into what it is today. This course brought to life all of my strengths as a learner, leader and educator while showcasing my accomplishments throughout my master’s program.